Nanoscale Assembly and
Electron Microscopy Lab
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Maryland
News and Events
February 18, 2019 - Welcome to our newest group member/mascot, Rutherford!

November 19, 2018 - Dr. Woehl gives a talk with collaborator Marc Taraban (UMD, Pharmaceutical Sciences) at the 11th annual UMCP-UMB Joint Innovation Seed Grant Symposium. See the article about the event here.

October 11, 2018 - Dr. Woehl travels to Saarbrucken, Germany to give a talk at the 4th International Conference on In-Situ and Correlative Electron Microscopy. Many thanks to Niels, Damien, and Kristian for the invitation to speak.
August 15, 2018 - Dr. Woehl will travel to the international Materials Research Congress in Cancun to give a talk in the in situ microscopy symposium (and maybe go to the beach!). Thanks to Haimei Zheng for the invitation!

August 2, 2018 - Mei and Dr. Woehl travel to Baltimore next week to give talks at the Microscopy & Microanalysis conference.
July 20, 2018 - Mei and Dr. Woehl will both give talks at the International Conference on Ionizing Processes (ICIP) in Annapolis this coming week. Thanks to Prof. Al-Sheikhly for the invitation!
December 4, 2017 - End of the semester group dinner at Busboys and Poets!

November 13, 2017 - Prof Woehl gave a seminar at IBBR today on liquid cell electron microscopy of protein aggregates. Many thanks to John Marino for the invitation!

August 7, 2017 - Many thanks to my co-organizers Patricia Abellan and Katie Jungjohann, session chairs and invited speakers, and Mei and Zoey for all their help with the Radiation and Beam damage workshop at M&M. We had a great turnout and learned a lot about radiation chemistry. Special thanks to Jay LaVerne and Dave Bartels for serving as our resident radiation chemistry experts.

June 17, 2017 - We are facilitating an outreach activity for the UMD College of Engineering Stepping Stones summer camp for middle school students interested in engineering. Our activity will teach students about core chemical engineering concepts in transport phenomena and colloids and interfaces using fun activities with surfactants. See more information here.
June 17, 2017 - Microscopy & Microanalysis in St. Louis this year is coming up on August 2! Dr. Woehl will give an invited talk in the In situ and Operando Characterization of Materials Processes in Liquids and Gases Symposium. We are also organizing a workshop on Understanding Radiation Beam-Damage during Cryo-, ETEM, Gas- and Liquid-Cell Electron Microscopy on the Sunday before the conference. Mei and Dr. Woehl will attend the conference.
June 2, 2017 - Mei presents a poster titled "Experimental and Numerical Methods for Measuring Reaction Conditions During Electron Beam Induced Nanocrystal Growth," at the UMD ResearchFest.
May 18, 2017 - End of the Semester group dinner at Franklin's!

News Archive
August 20, 2017 - We received funding from the UMD-UMB seed grant to work on imaging protein aggregates with liquid cell electron microscopy. We will collaborate with Bruce Yu's group in Pharmaceutical Sciences at UMB to develop new analytical methods to assess the aggregation state of protein-based drugs. Congrats!
June 26, 2017 - Our lab won a DOE User Proposal grant to work with our collaborator Ray Unocic at Oak National Lab to investigate nucleation mechanisms with liquid cell electron microscopy. Mei and Dr Woehl will be traveling to ORNL this coming academic year to do experiments. Congrats!
June 16, 2017 - Sushanth Gupta and Kingsley Ojibeka join our lab as high school students from Montgomery Blair High School and Eleanor Roosevelt High School to do summer research internships. Welcome!
May 30, 2017 - Our lab received funding for our electrocatalysis and in situ TEM research from the Ralph E. Powe faculty enhancement award. Congrats!
May 23, 2017 - Our lab received funding from the Minta Martin award for research on in situ TEM and bimetallic nanoparticle catalysts. Congrats!
February 22, 2017 - Mei received the Harry K. Wells Fellowship through the University of Maryland Energy Research Center for her work on in operando TEM characterization of electrocatalyst stability. Congrats Mei!
February 21, 2017 - Our book chapter titled "Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy for the Study of Growth Dynamics of Nanomaterials and Structure of Soft Matter" co-written with collaborator Patricia Abellan at SuperSTEM has been accepted for publication in the upcoming volume of Springer In Situ Nanomaterials Characterization.
February 2, 2017 - Nina Uchida (B.S. candidate) and Shakiba Nikfarjam (M.E. candidate) have joined our lab to research aggregation and stability of biopharmaceuticals. Welcome!
January 24, 2017 - Mei Wang has joined the lab as a Ph.D. student. She will be working on an electrocatalysis project, synthesizing bimetallic nanoparticles in the transmission electron microscope to investigate effects of mesoscale properties on electrocatalytic activity and durability.
January 9, 2017 - Our optical microscopy and spectroscopy setup is complete! The microscope is an automated Zeiss Axioscope optically coupled to a Horiba iHR320 imaging spectrophotometer with high sensitivity Peltier cooled CCD detector, capable of capturing spectra over a range of 300 - 1200 nm. This microscope/spectrometer is capable of dark field optical microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence anisotropy, and UV/VIS and fluorescence spectroscopy of single nanoparticles/fluorophores. Many thanks to Gary Rubloff for allowing us to house the NanoCenter's UV/VIS spectrometer in our lab. We will use this instrument to investigate aggregation of biopharmaceuticals using fluorescence spectroscopy and develop new reconfigurable plasmonic optical materials for national defense applications. The instrument will be available for use through the Maryland NanoCenter this spring.

December 1, 2016 - Prof. Woehl received funding from the University of Maryland Research and Scholarship Award (RASA) program for research on stability of metallic electrocatalyst nanomaterials.
December 1, 2016 - We received our first optical microscope! Jackie and Adam will work on this microscope to understand colloidal dynamics in electric fields and swarming of bacteria.

October 13, 2016 - Jackie Weaver joins the lab as a 2nd year ChBE undergraduate student to do research on colloidal assembly. Welcome Jackie!
October 11, 2016 - Adam Ferrick joins the lab as a 3rd year ChBE undergraduate student to do research on bacterial swarming and antibiotic resistance. Welcome Adam!
Sept. 29, 2016 - The book "Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy" published by Cambridge University Press and edited by Frances Ross is available for pre-order here. Prof. Woehl co-wrote a chapter titled "Future Prospects for Biomolecular, Biomimetic, and Biomaterials Research by New Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy Techniques."

August 2016 - Prof. Woehl joins the ChBE department at University of Maryland. Welcome!
May 11, 2017 - Prof. Woehl will give a seminar in the Institute for Materials Research at the Ohio State University as part of the annual Material's Week conference. See more information about the conference here.
April 25, 2017 - Prof. Woehl will give a talk at the UMERC Engineering Sustainability Day titled "Imaging Non-Equilibrium Transformations of Nanocrystals at Solid-Liquid Interfaces to Understand Electrocatalyst Degradation." See more information on the UMERC website here.
March 6, 2017 - Prof. Woehl will give a seminar at the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) at NIST.
December 13, 2016 - Prof. Woehl will give a talk at the Aberdeen Army Proving Grounds in the Composites and Hybrid Materials Branch, titled "Direct Visualization of Colloidal Particle Growth and Assembly Dynamics on Micron and Nanometer Size Scales."
Nov. 30, 2016 - Prof. Woehl will give a talk at the Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston titled, "Electron Beam Detection of MHz Frequency Sub-Nanometer Amplitude Nanostructure Vibrations."
Sept. 23, 2016 - Prof. Woehl will give a seminar in the University of Maryland Bioengineering Department at 9 am in 1105 Kim Engineering, titled, "Direct Visualization of Nanoscale Nucleation, Growth, and Assembly Dynamic with In situ Electron Microscopy", see the abstract here.
September 14, 2016 - Prof. Woehl will give a seminar in the Center for Nanophase Materials Science (CNMS) at Oak Ridge National Lab.